Examine Success and Failure
What is success and what is failure? We understand that to be successful is to arrive, to get somewhere and so we worship success. When a poor boy grows upto become a multi-millionaire, or an average student becoems the prime minister one day, he’s feted for being successful.
Is success an absolute or is it an idea we pursue? Because the moment one arrives’, there’s always a point further ahead at which one has yet to arrive. In the pursuit of success we are faced with challenges and conflicts. Even when you have “arrived”, there’s no rest for you because now you want to go still ahead; you want more. The pursuit of success is the desire for ‘more’, and a mind that’s constantly demanding ‘more’ is not an intelligent mind; on the contrary, it’s a mediocre, stupid mind, because its demand for ‘more’ implies a constant struggle in terms of the pattern which society has set for it.
What’s contentment, and what’s discontent? Discontent is hankering for ‘more’, and contentment is the cessation of that struggle; but you cannot come to a state of contentment without understanding the whole process of the ‘more’, and why the mind demands it.
If you fail an examination, for example, you would perhaps take it again. But by themselves, examinations and your performance in them don’t really reveal your true worth. Passing an examination is largely a feat of memory, or it may be a matter of chance; but you strive to pass your examinations, and if you don’t succeed, you keep at it. With most of us it’s the same process in everyday life. We’are struggling to achieve something, and we’ve never paused to enquire if the way we are dealing with it is the right way. It’s only when we’ve understood the significance or insignificance of wanting ‘more’ that we cease to think in terms of failure and success.
We’re all so afraid to fail’, to make mistakes, not only in examinations but also in life. To make a mistake is considered terrible because we’ll be criticised for it. If we’re afraid of making mistakes, we’ll never learn. The ideal of success is held up for us to follow; and success is always in terms of respectability. Even the saint in his so-called spiritual achievements must become respectable, otherwise he has no recognition, no following.
So we’re always thinking in terms of success, in terms of ‘more’, and the ‘more’ is a relative ideal dependent on what prevailing social norms consider to be respectable. If you do not live up to that societal ideal, you are likely to be called a failure. But if you love to do something with all your being, you are then not concerned with success and failure. However, very few have the evolved perspective that allows them space to think intelligent person is to see things as they are and understand the problem - which is not necessarily about bracketing action in terms of being orienged towards success or failure. It’s only when we don’t really love what we’re doing, that we think in those terms. Didn’t a wise person say. “Success is a relatrive term; there’s nothing absolute about it?”
What we think of as success today might be thought of as failure in another time and situation and vice versa. It would be in our best interest to view both what we call success and failure as relative states, and so treat both success and failure with equanimity.
* To Improve eyesight, have amla juice mixed with honey, Amla juice also helps people who have cataract.
* Amla or goosebery, as it’s also known, is rich in chromium, which makes it very beneficial for diabetics. It is known to stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. This decreases blood sugar.
* Want to have a healthy heart, Have plenty of gooseberries. They’re known to strengthen heart muscles, which in turnpump more blood in your body and make you healthy.
* Since amla is rich in antibacterial qualities, it helps the body fight infection. It builds up immunity, which makes people more resistant to diseaeses.
* Suffering from an upset stomach? opt for the amla. With its powerful laxative qualities, amla is great for curing diarrhoea and dysentery.
* It is a commonly used ingredientin several hair tonics because it is known to curb hair loss, stimulate growth and strengthen the roots.
* Studies say that having amla powder mixed with honey and butter before a meal will improve appetite.
* To get relief from acidity, mix one gram of amla powder with sugar and add it to a glass of water or milk and drink it twice a day.
* Amla is extremely rich in Vitamin C as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and Vitamin B, which makes it a very healthy option to include in your diet.
* Amla is also great for food absorption and will help you digest your meals better.
Healthy and Shiny Hair
By Unani Therapy
It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.
Wash hair with tea once in a week.
Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.
Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair.
Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.
Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.
Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.
Do a ‘steam towel wrap’ once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.
Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.
Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add pounce to dull and lifeless hair.
Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Have it in the next morning.
Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.
Egg white and curd is a good conditioner for hair.
Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves curn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week. Add a lemon peel to a ‘shikakai’ and ‘amla’ mixture while washing your hair.
Graying Hair - No Worry
Take a little Mehandi, an egg, juice of half a lemon, one table sppon of instant coffee powder. Mix it together and apply on the hair. Wash it after 45 minutes.
Boil one cup of dried gooseberry with 4 cups of water. Add a pinch of sugar in it. Keep boiling till the quantity of the liquid reduces to one cup. Mix 2 cups of Mehendi, an egg, juice of a lemon and the gooseberry solution and apply on hair. Wash the hair after two hours.
Basic Hair Care Unani Tips
The following are some basic hair care tips that you can use to improve the health and look of your hair.
A healthy lifestyle will mean healthier hair for you. Excessive stress, smoking, not exercising and not eating nutritiously are not healthy for your hair.
Get enough sleep.
Hair Products (Gel, mouse, hair spray...)
Avoid using hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.
Avoid puting hair styling products directly on your scalp, if you put it on your scalp you’ll clog the pores on your heal.
Before entering a pool, wet you hair so you hair will soak up initial water instead of the chlorinated water.
When swimming where a cap to protect your hair from chlorinated water, if you choose not to wear a cap make sure you shampoo and condition your hair right after you are done swimming.
Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.
Don’t leave the blowdryer in one spot for more than a few seconds, keep it moving and at a good distance away from your hair.
To speed up the drying process, pat your hair dry with a towel and let the remaining moisture in your hair dry naturally.
Gently u Combing/Brushing
Use a brush whose bristles are made from natural animal hairs, it is softer and more flexible which means less damage will be done to your hair.
Hair is most fragile when it is wet so avoid brushing or combing when it’s wet, or else it will cause breakage, wait until your hair is almost completely dry before brushing it.
Use brushes/combs with widely spaced bristles/teeth and smooth tips. Sharp tooth combs can damage your hair, cause split ends, and scratch your scalp.
To keep your brushes and combs clean, wash them weekly using soap or shampoo.
Comb your hair to remove any tangles before brushing it.
Being by combing your hair gently at the ends to get any tangles out and work your way up to the base of your hair.
Always brush/comb with a downwards stroke.
Avoid using plastic brushes/combs which create static electricity.
Shampooing and Conditioning
Buy shampoos & conditioners that match your hair type, trial and error is the best way to find out what specific hair product is best for your hair.
Shower with warm water, hot water can dry and/or irritate the scalp.
Healthy Heart
To keep the heart ticking, the key is to work out regularly. Light and moderate intensity exercises are considered to be cardio-protective.
Cardiovascular diseases have become a major contributor to disease related disability worldwide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates indicate that cardiovascular disease accounted for 16.7 million deaths in 2000.
Causative agents
Many causative agents for this epidemic have been identified. Changes in lifestyle to a more sedentary type and physical inactivity are the crucial triggers. Both lead to obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and lipid disorders, which in turn are the risk factors for a cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise of at least 30 minutes a day or brisk walking, cycling or working around the house are recommended to keep disease at bay.
How to stay healthy?
With advances in technology and industriali sation, the necessity of physical activity at work and in leisure has declined steeply. The National Institute of Health (NIH) in US recommends 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every day of the week.
Survival of the fittest
The cardio-respiratory fitness of an individual depends on his or her habitual physical activity, age, gender, heredity and coexistent diseases. Physical fitness is best measured by peak oxygen uptake, which is an index of energy expenditure. It is best quantitated by the unit “METS”. One MET is the measure of oxygen uptake by a person at rest and is equivalent to 3.5 ml O2/kg/mt. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines recommend 3 to 6 METS activity. Brisk walking, cycling and swimming are thus recommended.
As the level of fitness increases, a linear reduction in mortality can be noticed. Each increase of 1 MET in exercise capacity confers a 12 percent improvement in the survival in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). ACSM guidelines say that a programme of regular exercise can improve fitness by 15-30 per cent in three to six months. Exercise improves lipid profile and glucose intolerance and also reduces obesity and blood pressure. The protective effect of physical activity is mainly due to the physiological changes that arise as a result of it. There is efficient oxygen supply and uptake by exercising the muscles. An increase in volumen of LV allows for a higher stroke volume. There is also efficient exercise induced vasodilatation of arteries that supply the working muscles and increase in activity of oxidative enzymes in exercising muscles. As a result of this greater efficiency in oxygen delivery and extraction, the normal cardiovascular response to sub-maximal exercise is attenuated in physically fit people.
Exercise for cardiac patients
Safety of exercise training in patients with heart disease and post coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) patients has been well established. However, it’s necessary that trained medical or paramedical personnel are present to supervise in initial few weeks. Light and moderate intensity exercises have proved to be cardio protective. Exercise reduces angina pectoris in those with CAD and heart failure in patients with LV systolic dysfunction.
Physical exercise produces physiological and biochemical changes within the body that improves the functioning of both skeletal muscles and the cardiovascular system. The intensity and duration of exercise in cardiac patients and those who have recovered from cardiac surgery is to be planned out by a rehabilitation physician. Ideally, an exercise protocal that achieves 70 to 80 per cent THR (220-age) is desirable. A precautions however, need to be taken.
* Avoid workouts within and one hour after meals.
* Avoid isometric and breath-holding exercises.
* Optimal room temperature is to be maintained and it is important to avoid excess humidity in the room.
* Add warm off and cool off periods of 15 minutes or more with strenuous exercises.
* Wear loose clothing during exercise.
Symptomatic cardiac patients with heart or lung dysfunction should attend exercise sessions in a rehabilitation centre, supervised by trained therapists.
It is recommended that a daily exercise programme involving at least 30 minutes of exercise equivalent to 5 to 6 METs is beneficial for adults. This will increase longetivity and prevent or retard the development of disease like hypertension, diabetes, CAD and stroke in patients with established cardiac diseases. It is necessary to attend a cardiac rehabilitation programme and work out an effective programme. Skeletal muscle injury and precipitation of ischemic events or heart failure can be prevented by gradually building up to the desired level of exercise.
Men over 40 years and women over 50 should consult a physician prior to starting a vigorous physical activity programme. In patients with a strong family history of CAD or those who have more than two risk factors for CAD, a medical evaluation including exercise stress tests are recommended.
Traditional Unani Recipes for Faster Hair Growth
This time we’ve collected some more recipes of traditional medicine that will help you effectively promote faster hair growth and make your hair healtheir and stronger.
In case of the oily scalp and dandruff a mixture of calendula alcoholate and castor oil (ratio 10:1) has proved to bring good results. In case of the dry scalp the calendula alcoholate: castor oil ratio should be 1:1. These recipes will not only help you get rid of dandruff and excessive dryness of the scalp but also help you regrow lost hair.
Next in line is protein. It is a fact that human hair is composed mainly of protein (keratin). So it is proper that the said nutrient be part of your diet. Protein contains amino acids, which is vital for developing new cells. There are five amino acids working together for hair growth; one of which is worth mentioning - the cystine. This is the most important amino acid in relation to building lustrous hair fibers. And as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, red meats are rich in protein. So are fish, soy, and dairy products. Sprouts are also a good source of protein and supply the necessary enzymes for healthful hair growth.
Vitamins & Hair Loss
All vitamins are but necessary to avert hair loss. Vitamins A, D and E are fat-soluble vitamins that render the hair a tad bit oily. These substances prevent the hair strands from becoming brittle and dry. In addition, split ends are also avoided thanks to A.D.E. Though a word of caution: the consequence of having excess Vitamin A is also hair loss.
So be careful with your vitamin dosages. Moving on, it is advised that the food rations contain orange (or yellow) fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and fortified cereals, all of which contains A, D, or E or a combination of the two. On the other hand, Vitamins B and C, both of which are water soluble is also needed. The former stimulates hair growth while the latter is responsible for improving iron absorption. Vitamin B rich food includes the beans, peas, leafy veggies, and whole grains as well. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are full of VitaminC.
Minerals & Hair Loss
Various minerals such as zinc, sulfur, iron, and calcium also play a part in hair growth. Zinc is ample in foods like meat, poultry, and legumes. And as with Vitamin A, intense zinc presence (or lack of it) may lead to shedding due to excessively oily or brittle hair. As for the sulfur, this can be found in cloves of garlic, grains, meats, beans, lentils, and peanuts. Lastly, calcium, much concentration of this mineral is in dairy products.
In case of itching and irritation of the scalp make a mixture of 10 grams of birch tar, 20 grams of castor oil and 100 grams of alcohol and rub it in carefully several hours before washing your head.
One more hair mask to make your hair grow faster: take 1 teaspoon (tsp) of castor oil, 1 tsp of honey, 1 egg and juice of 1 middle-sized onion and mix these components thoroughly. Rub the mask in their hair roots 2 hours before washing your head. Then wash the mask of with a soft shampoo or baby soap and rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice or vinegar.
The following infusion works great for blond hair. You will need 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of chamomile extract and 3/4 glass of vodka. Infuse it in a dark place for 5-6 days and rub it in the roots of hair on a daily basis.
Use birch-alcohol lotion to take care of oily hair: mix 1 tsp of birch buds with 5 tsp of alcohol (96%) and rub it in the scalp every day when it is convenient for you. To achieve a better effect it is advisable to additionally rinse your hair with water decoction of birch leaves and buds after washing.
And one more recipe for this time to make your hair grow faster. Take 20 grams of ivy roots of and the same amount of burdock roots. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Filter the decoction and wash your hair with it three times a week.
Always remember that traditional medicine doesn’t work equally with every user. The main advantage of it is that it will never bring you harm and, thus, it is certainly worth trying.
Unani Herbal
Your “crowning glory”, or your hair, plays a huge role in your well being. Aside from having health benefits such as protecting your scalp from the heat in warm weather and controlling heat loss in cold weather, it carries social functions. Society gives great importance on appearance, and hair is one of the first aspects of an individual that are noticed. Thus, having hair loss problems can result in a feeling of being unattractive and a low self-esteem.
People spend a lot of money on medications and commercial products, such as shampoos and scalp treatments, in an attempt to alleviate their condition. However, most have not yet tried alternative medicine as a solution to their problem. They have not realized that herbal remedies have several advantages over commercial ones: they are easy to procure, inexpensive, and safe since they are natural and have no side effects. Here are a few herbs that are believed to help reduce hair loss and aid in encouraging hair regrowth.
Aloe Vera
This has been used for centuries by Indian tribes in South America. They claim that aloe vera makes their hair thick and healthy. Rub some aloe vera gel into your hair and scalp every night. Aloe vera has an enzyme called superoxide dismutane. That, plus its ability to trigger the formation, of nitric oxide, will stimulate hair growth in people who have male pattern baldness.
Green Tea
It is believed that drinking several cups of green tea a day or ingesting it in capsule form will reduce the risk of having male pattern baldness. The antioxidants called catechins that are found in green tea inhibit the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into the more potent DHT.
Red Pepper
Apply red pepper flesh directly to the scalp. This will serve as a skin irritant that will promote the release of histamine, which is a protein involved in allergic reactions. This will then stimulate the cells of the scalp, draw blood and hence nutrients to the scalp area, and promote hair regrowth.
Stinging Nettle
The root extract of Nettle plant is vry helpful in combating hair loss. If none can be found, you can buy it in pill or capsule form. Nettle root contains lipids and minerals that will stimualte your hair follicles and thus encourage the regrowth of hair. You can take it alone, but it is more effective when used side-by-side with Saw Palmetto. Get a few Saw Palmetto gel capsules and pierce them. Combine five drops of it with an equal amount of Nettle root extract. Combine them well and rub the mixture gently onto your scalp. Leave this on for an hour to let it absorb. Similar to Stinging Nettle, Saw Palmetto blocks the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a form of testosterone that induces hair loss and prostate growth. Note that this treatment is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women.
Unani Treatment for common disorder
Ziabetus Sukkari
(Diabetes Mellitus)
Ziabetus Sukkari (Diabetes mellitus) is a clinical condition characterized by excessive thirst and increased frequent micturition. It is caused due to hot temperamental derangement of liver. Diabetes is a Ghair Maddi disease in which the temperament of liver is altered.
The causes that alter the normal temperament of liver are continuous mental tension, anxiety, frustration, anger, fear, weakness of nervous system and use of excessive hot and cold food and drinks. These predisposing factors alter the temperament of liver which indirectly affects the kidney resulting in increased power of absorption.
Treatment facilities for the treatment of this disorder are available at the Council’s Regional Research Institutes of Unani Medicine at Aligarh and New Delhi.
Signs & Symptoms
Excessive thirst
Excessive hunger
Dryness in tongue
Weakness in sex
Frequent micturition
Loss of body weight
Burning in palm & sole
Heaviness in abdomen & back
Pain in abdomen, giddiness.
The main aim of treatment of a diabetic is to restore the normalcy in liver temperament. This can be achieved through diet, drugs and exercise.
Cold and moist diet is recommended for diabetic patients. Diet that contains excessive sugar or protein should be avoided.
Single Drugs
Tabasheet Bambusa bambos Druce.
Kerela Momordica charantia Linn
Jamun Syzygium cuminii (Linn.) Skeels
Kisheneez Coriandrum sativum Linn.
Kateera Cocholspermum religiosum (Linn.) Alston.
Khashkhash Papaver somniferum Linn.
Shaznaj Cannabis sativa Linn.
Sandal Santalum album Linn.
Gulnar Farsi Punica grantum Linn.
Gurmar Buti Gymnema sylnestre R.Br.
Mastagi Pistacia lentiscus Linn.
Khurfa Siyah Portulaca oleracea Linn.
Gilo Tinospora cordifolia Miers
Tukhm Kahoo Lactuca sativa Linn.
Gil-e-Armani Armenian bole
Afsanteen Artemisia absinthium Linn.
Juft-Baloot Quercus infectoria Olivier
Compound Drugs
Qurs Tabasheer Safoof Ziabetus
Sharbat Anar Safoof Khisht
Jawarish Mastagi Majoon Falasfa
Kushta Qalai Kushta Baiza Murgh
Different exercises are prescribed to improve the well-being of diabetic patients. Walking bare foot on green grass in the morning is a useful exercise for these patients. Walking as much as possible is good for diabetics. Rest after lunch is advisable but after dinner patient should not go to sleep immediately. There should be at least two hours’ gap between dinner and sleep.
Dietary Tips for Diabetics
v A diabetic diet should be adequate. It should be sufficient for the activities of the person.
v As a rule diabetic should not become fatty. His weight should be near or slightly less than his expected weight.
v The diet should be balanced and should not be totally different from the diet of other members of the family.
* A diabetic need not follow a strange diet.
* A diabetic diet neet not be monotonous or unpalatable.
* A diabetic can have as much variety in diet as his spouse has.
* A diabetic diet need not be expensive.
Hair Care Unani Tips
It is important to wash your hair, shampooing removes dirt, dead skin cells, hair oils, any hair products you may put into your hair.
When shampooing, rinse your hair out before applying any shampoo to remove any dust, dirt, and any other foreign items, then apply the shampoo on to your scalp and massage it gently with your finger tips and work your way outwards. After you are done make sure that you thouroughly rinse out your hair to remove any shampoo residue that may be left. Shampoo residue may dry your scalp/hair and or attract dirt. It is recommended that you only lather once to avoid drying your hair out, if you have oily hair, lathering again may stimulate your oil glands to create even more oil than normal.
You should wash your hair as often as you feel necessary to keep it clean, but a general rule is for oily hair you should wash it every day or every other day and for dry hair only wash it 2-3 times a week.
Try rotating the shampoo and conditioner periodically, your hair responds differently to different products.
Use a conditioner after shampooing, it’ll moisturize your hair, give it extra protection, add shine, reduce static, and makes it easier to untangle.
Use a leave in conditioner, it’ll hydrate and protect your hair. A leave in conditioner on your hair is the equivalent of moisturizer on your face.
When conditioning your hair, try to spread conditioner evenly through out your hair and leave it in for a couple of minutes before rinsing out your hair.
Put the conditioner in at about in inch away from the scalp, the roots of your hair contain the most oils and usually don’t need the extra conditioning.
Be gentle when shampooing and conditioning, don’t use excessive force rubbing your hair, remember hair is most vunerable when wet.
Itchy Scalp RID by Unani way
Aggravation of sajva stress, allergic reaction to shampoo, air conditioning, pollution and central heating lead to an itchy and red scalp, with tiny pimples or sores, dull and dry hair.
Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp
Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil and store it in glass container.
Dosage : Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.
Grind some jasmine roots with lime juice. Wash the hair and scalp with it. The causes for these hair conditions are as follows :
Excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the chief cause of hair problems.
Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and excessive smoking.
Eating too much fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods.
Intake of too many chemical medicines, low blood circulation, anemia, general weakness after disease, stress, anxiety and mental tension.
Chronic diseases like typhoid fever, presence of dandruff or lice and hormonal imbalance.
Striking Young
It is the young who are increasingly getting hit by diabetes. With a check on diet, information about medication and management techniques, the disease can be controlled and complications averted.
Detection of diabetes in your child can be quite a shock and a question that will come to your mind will be - why my child? There is no need to feel guilty about genes or for letting your child eat too many sweets. Researchers have disproved the myth that eating too much sugar can cause diabetes. Genes do play a role, but to what extent, is uncertain.
Though Type 1 diabetes is more prevalent among children, an increasing number of kids are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes as it continues to plague children. Apart from medication (insulin therapy), the rest of the management modules are common for both types. Since the disease cannot be cured, it is important to manage it to avoid complications.
Management of diabetes
It basically involves four key pillars-insulin, diet, exercise and monitoring of blood glucose.
Insulin : Children with Type 1 diabetes need insulin. The dosage, frequency and type of insulin will be customised by the physician, based on parameters like diet, physical activity and weight of the child. There are various types of insulin and insulin-delivery methods available in the market. All these details should be discussed with the physician who will decide the dosage based upon the need and maturity of the child.
Diet : Keeping glucose levels from jumping too high or dipping too low is the primary objective of diabetes management. Diet is obviously the only factor that controls glucose intake. In addition, the diet plan should also have certain weight-control dimensions.
Exercise : Exercise plays a dual role in diabetes. Apart from lowering the blood glucose levlel by increasing consumption, it also helps in improving the insulin sensitivity of cells.
Blood glucose monitoring : Studies have proved that regular monitoring of blood glucose helps in reducing long-term complications like effect on vision, heart and kidney in a diabetric person.
Diabetes in children
The key objectives in the management of diabetes among children should cover.
Hypoglycemia (low sugar levels in blood) : This can be because of too much insulin, low food intake or heavy or heavy physical exertion. The key symptoms are cold sweat, dizziness, palpitation, blurred vision, headache, proceeding onto slurred speech, erratic behaviour and coma. Management involves awareness of symptoms and treatment of low blood sugar by giving the children glucose (e.g. half a glass of orange juice, one to two tablespoons of honey) at intervals of 10 minutes to 15 minutes. The best way to avoid severe hypoglycemia is to detect it early.
Sick days : Though diabetes per se will not make you child sick more often if it is controlled well, but special care is needed in case of sickness. Though the child might not be eating much, the requirement of insuling might increase. The child should take proper meals and plenty of water.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) : DKA occurs when the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates for energy, thereby releasing ketones as a by-product. An excess of this can cause DKA. The key symptoms include excessive thirst and urination, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, deep and rapid breathing with fruity smell and confusion. Glucose and ketones levels will be positive in urine and blood will show high levels of glucose. In case of such symptoms, consult the doctor immediately.
Long-term complications : Since diabetes is not curable and is a lifelong disease, it should be managed properly because uncontrolled or ill-managed diabetes can lead to chronic complications later on. In the long run, diabetes can impact almost every part of the body be it eyes, feet, hands or blood vessels. Manifestation of diabetes at a young age makes it all the more important to have a tight control on blood sugar levels.
The best way to manage diabetes is by keeping a regular control on blood sugar levels. A good indicator for long-term control is HbA1c which should be targeted at around seven percent. On a day-to-day basis, blood glucose levels can be measured at home with help of blood glucose monitors like Accu-Chek Active. These monitors are freely available in the market and are easy to use. These can also help to decide the insulin dose, if medical help is not immediately available.
Diabetes and schools : Diabetes care in school is an important aspect as balance between food, physical activity and insulin injections requires constant vigilance. Information and awareness about diabetes and its acute complications should be provided to school teachers to tackle emergencies.
Currently, there is no cure for diabetes except for pancreas transplant. But the good thing about modern disease management is that it can be managed well and the patient can live a near normal life.
Head Lice A Unani Treatment
The most effective way to get rid of head lice is with a nit comb, a good light, and a magnifying glass. This is especially true for children under two-years-old, who may have adverse reactions to head lice shampoo and other chemical head lice cures.
Nit combs are available in both plastic and steel and may be purchased from a pharmacy (or often less expensively from a pet supply department). Nit combs for both animals and people are very similar in style and equally effective. Comb through the hair daily for about two weeks, being sure to come into contact with the scalp. This helps ensure that you remove all nymphs and nits as well as adults.
Electronic louse combs are often less effective than the traditional nit comb. Their teeth may not reach the scalp and therefore may not remove viable eggs.
While there are multiple home remedies for head lice, none has been scientifically proven. Frequently the second line of attack is to purchase an over-the-counter head lice shampoo. However, these shampoos contain toxic chemicals. Follow package directions to the letter. In most cases, even over-the-counter head lice curse are best purchased and used only on the advice of a professional health care provider. In a severe case, your doctor may prescribe a stronger head lice cure.
Head lice may be found on eyelashes or eyebrows. These lice should be mechanically removed (plucked) with great care. Don’t use chemicals near the eyes!
Although head lice only live a day or two after they fall off their host, headwear, combs, brushes, bed linen, and pajamas should be thoroughly cleaned. Items that aren’t washable should be either dry-cleaned or vacuumed.
Head Lice Prevention
Teach children to avoid activities that are likely to spread lice.
Avoid head-to-head contact during play.
Don’t share headwear whether it’s a hat, helmet, or hair ribbon.
Don’t share combs, brushes or towels.
How to beat hair loss in Women?
Hair loss is no laughing matter. While men are more prone to ignoring the onset of baldness, it’s a different story for women. Women are affected emotionally because beautiful or atleast thick hair is associated with femininity. Thinning hair is often equated with diminished femininity.
Women & Hair Loss
According to a practicing psychiatrist in the United States.
“Men often take it in their stride. But for women it is a bigger emotional issue, affecting their feelings of femininity. And while few women actually go bald, many find that hormonal changes can cause them to suffer from hair thinning.”
“Women often experience hair loss for the first two or three months after giving birth. The massive production of estrogen during pregnancy puts hair follicles into their ‘growth phase’. After the birth, the hormonal balance is restored and hair follicles go into their ‘loss phase’, causing the hair to fall out.”
The Menopause connection
Unfortunately too, the onset of menopause may have something to do with the onset of accelerated hair loss. Women who are on contraceptive methods that involve the regular intake of estrogen may also suffer from accelerated hair loss as a side effect.
Racial stratification reveals that Asian women are more prone to accelerated hair loss than Caucasians. This is according to the International Society of Hair Restoration, based in England.
The Diet Connection
While it is true that there are many benefits to a vegetarian diet, hair loss just may occur when a person lacks enough protein and iron. Iron sources in vegetables are often limited, which is why pure vegans may experience more hair loss than mixed vegans or ovo-lacto vegetarians.
Those on a fixed fruitarian diet for long periods of time may also suffer from hair loss. Since fruits provide mostly vitamins and fructose, iron is also not part of the equation. This may lead to hair loss and low iron in the bloodstream.
Hair Styling = Hair Loss?
Overdoing the “salon habit” might also contribute to hair loss. According to hair specialist.
“It’s so upsetting that many women are put on antidepressants or tranquillizers because of hair loss. Their self-esteem is dramatically affected, as is their quality of life and they don’t know where to turn. Often the problems is overdoing their meetings with “relaxers” or what not.”
Preventing Hair Loss
Watching what you eat...
Poor nutrition can be the reason of hair loss. Most individuals fail to recognize that simple diet alterations can have a substantial influence not only on their health, but also in their general appearance. A well balanced diet (and sufficient water intake) is the secret behind healthy hair. When a person is aware of what to eat and what not to eat, he can pretty much dictate the state of his hair. Do you know that too much Vitamin A can result to hair loss? Conversely, a diet entirely devoid of Vitamin A causes hair loss as well.
Iron & Hair loss
Diseases can also lead to hair loss, particularly anemia. If you are diagnosed as anemic, you should try to incorporate leafy greens like spinach and chard in your daily meals. And if you toss in cuts of protein rich red meat (liver, kidneys, lamb) the better. Why? Because the amino acid present in the meat aids the body a maximize its capacity to absorb the nutrients swirling in the blood streams - iron included of course.
Field experts are still debating if iron is indeed the key to hair growth whether the patient is anemic or not, that is not a factor. A study released in 2006 showed that the treatment for iron deficient patients, with or without the existence of anemia, could boost the patients’ capability to regrow hair.
Protein & Hair Loss
Again, it shares the ‘too much would result to hair loss’ club joining both Vitamin A and zinc.
Remember, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are all needed to aid hair growth and prevent hair loss. Just do not go overboard with your quantity intake. You might be doing more damage than good.
Why you are
losing Weight?
Does society influence your decision to lose weight? Social implications of weight loss.
Having dealt with women wanting to lose weight over the last 10 years, I often ask and am asked these questions.
How does being overweight affect society at large and vice versa?
How does society react to you individually when you lose weight?
How does social pressure influence your decisions to lose weight?
The whole idea of losing weight to fit into social norms has taken on a whole new dimension. What with some airlines ruling that obese passengers need to pay for two seats if the flight is full, to insurance companies insisting on a higher premium for clinically obese people who are known to have a higher healthy risk, being overweight is now not only unacceptable but also expensive. There is more pressure to lose the extra weight for social and economic reasons as well as cosmetic and wellbeing.
Women of the higher socio-economic strata in developed countries are less likely to be obese perhaps due to social pressure to remain slim and also the availability and affordability of nutritious rather than junk food.
Social Response
Some women tell me that losing weight is hard enough; they also have to contend with (well meaning?) friends and relatives who take the liberty of commenting on their new improved appearance, sometimes not very encouragingly.
Some of the comments take on a complicated edge, “you look gaunt”, “you have lost too much weight” and, sometimes even, “you have lost your charm”. Other optimistic confidants insist that being plump suits you or reasons that, after all, being ovrweight runs in the family and so there really isn’t much you can do about changing your genetic inclination.
What could possible provoke these comments? Perhaps discomfort with one women’s aptitude for change, to stay motivated and the admittance of one’s own inability to do so.
As one of my clients said, the fact that some of us are “approval addicts” can make it an arduous task to disregard such comments and forge ahead in pursuit of a healtheir body.
On the other hand, gaining the admiration of those around you is definitely catalyst for further improvement. We are all social beings. Appreciation from significant (and sometimes even not so significant) others is meaningful. This is where the right kind of encouragement during the process of change is critical to success.
Understand yourself
It’s an ongoing process of self-discovery. Losing weight is not just about losing the layers of fat. There is also a certain unravelling of one’s persona along with it.
We need to first appreciate our own sense of self, both from a physical and emotional perspective. How we categorise our own selves solely as “a fat person”, or “a physically unattractive person” forgetting there is more to that “person” than size and appearance.
As Gloria Steinem once said, “In my own mind, I am still a fat brunette from Toledo, and I always will be”. Chances are you too continue to think like you did before you lost all the weight and can barely see your altered self. This myopic vision is often a way trying to ease the trauma of ‘change’ from within in addition to the distorted or altered behaviour of people around you.
Changing how we look also requires that we change how we think about ourselves. We need to recognise whether our entire identity resides with our physical appearance or if we have other outlets for our creativity and selfhood.
As women, I believe th epressure to be attractive is enormous. Wanting and trying to improve one’s appearance is different from depending totally on physical attributes to quantify oneself. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong or self-indulgent about desiring to look better, how and why you go about it is fundamental to determining if the change will be lasting and satisfying or only another step towards turmoil.
In this context, unhealthy starvation diets, abusing and disrespecting the body will be counter-productive not only to health but also to one’s self-esteem.
It is true (and research has proven), that being emotionlly troubled or stressed has a critical impact on our physical selves and vice versa. Women, in particular, are susceptible to external factors like opinions of others, suggestions and advice. Perhaps we are more insecure as a species or just more accommodating to social pressure.
There is often a deep-rooted difficult psychological back-ground for most overweight women. It is not as simple as “jump on the treadmill and shed those pounds”. Although doing just that solves half the problems, including elevating one’s mood, following through is not as straightforward as it may seem. This is why, psychological counselling along the way helps stay on tract.
Motivation, approval, denial, low self-esteem etc. play a role in the state of one’s body.
So it comes down to this : What (or who) are you losing weight for?
Identification of your own motive is the first and foremost pre-requisite before starting on any kind of self improvement campaign be it weight loss, improving posture, eating healthy, giving up alcohol and nicotine and so on. Often the very objective of the exercise is questionable.
Social pressure aside, it is necessary to delve into one’s own mind to identify reasons for wanting change. If these reasons don’t stand up to scrutiny, the results are often not sustainable.
One’s own actions and thoughts sometimes prevent change. Fear of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, in this case, being overweight and being accepted as or labelled as an “overweight person” may find one self-sabotaging one’s diet or attempts at regular exercise.
Question your reasoning when you find your-self making excuses to exercises. It is fear of failure or fear of success?
Losing weight does not happen in a vacuum. There will be repercussions from within yourself and those around you. Knowing what you really want is important to keep you focused and motivated and understanding your true requirements will help you perhaps be more indulgent of uncalled for advice. As you know change is never easy, even if for the better.
Hair Unani Treatment
Use natural shampoo or soap to clean the hair.
Use amla (embilica officinalis) shikakai (Acacia concinna) for washing the hair.
Enhance oiling and massaging of scalp.
Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week.
Use medicated oils, put oil on the scalp and massage gently in the roots of the hair.
Maintain a regular bowel movement everyday.
The diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A.
Do regular physical exercise.
A special Unani preparation made from Bhringraj (Eclipta elba), Amala, corals, iron and black sesame seeds is very useful and even stops the graying of hair.
Rub the scalp vigorously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation, and activates the sebaceous glands.
A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is good to drink to induce hair growth. The juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot, and lettuce juice is also good to take.
Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good.
Washing the hair with a paste of cooked Urad dal (black beans) and fenugreek (methi) 2-3 times a week.
A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair growth. A paste of seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.
Oil : Oil is a natural moisturizer. Olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil and even baby oil are all great products that nourish the hair and moisturize it from the roots. Put a teaspoon of any of the above oils in your palm and work through the roots of your hair. Leave on for about half an hour and then shampoo. For increased moisture, heat the oil in a small pan before putting it on your hair. This is deep conditioning for very dry hair. Make sure to shampoo thoroughly. You can also wrap a moist towel around your hair to trap the moisture.
Egg Whites : Separate the yolk from the whites. The yolk makes the hair smelly and no one wants that. Apply the white to your hair either with your fingers or with a brush. Let it sit for 15 mintues and wash. This will give your hair brilliant shine and the luster will increase the more often you try it. Tip : Egg whites are good as a face pack too.
Lime : Want a natural color lightener? Well, lime is your solution. Use about 2 tablespoons and work through the roots. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse. You will notice that the hair is lighter. Lime also works well for highlights. Put lime in the hair before going out in the sun. If you have dark hair, you will ntoice tinges of highlights. It will be subtle, natural and very pretty. Lime also makes the hair softer and leave it smelling great. Lime is good mostly for oily hair. Give it a try!
Cream : Cream, not the whipped kind, but half and half (yes, what you use in coffee), is wonderfully enriching for dry hair. Work it through your hair. Let it stay for 10 minutes or so and then wash. The richness of the cream provides natural moisturizing. It makes the hair soft without looking too greasy.
Bananas : Mash a whole banana in a bowl. Put it on your hair and make sure every part is coated with it. Leave it for 5 minutes before washing. If you find that you have some remaining, put it in the fridge and you can use it the next day. While washing, make sure that you thoroughly wash the roots because the banana pieces tend to stick to the hair. Bananas are good for dry and oily hair. You will notice immediately that you hair is shinier and extremely soft after the first shampoo.
Apple-cider vinegar : Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider with 1 gallon of water. This can be stored in the fridge and used whenever needed. To use, wash your hair and rinse as usual. Then pour the vinegar mixture through your hair and rinse with cold water. This will remove oil, dirt and any traces of grime from the hair leaving it squeaky clean.
Exercise and Diabetes
A good friend of mine was stunned to hear that he ‘was suffering from diabetes. All of 38 - years- old, my friend, an employee of a corporate organisation with no history of diabetes in the family, came to me for advice after his physician told him that the disease could be controlled entirely by dieting and exercising.
That regular exercise is good for you is irrefutable. It Improves your stamina, lung capacity, heart function, blood circulation, mental well-being and also helps control your weight. Therefore, it goes without saying that exercising significantly decrease one’s risk of being affected by chronic diseases, one of which is diabetes.
If you are affected by diabetes, it means that your blood glucose is too high. our body uses glucose for energy, but too much of it can hurt us. Diabetes is becoming more common in the modernage,especially in obese, overweight young people who seem to have no time for exercise. The most important treatment options for those who have been pronounced diabetic are dieting, medication and exercising. It also goes without saying that physical activity takes precedence as it is likely to be most rewarding and also ensures that one feels healthy.
How does exercise benefit diabetics?
Regular exercise is known to be effective in controlling blood glucose levels.
u Exercise reduces the severity of diabetes
u It reduces the risk of long term complications.
u Exercise also helps lower stress (which,inturn, can raise glucoselevels)
u Exercise improves circulation to the extremities of the body.
Types of Exercise
I usually recommend moderate physical activity for at least 30 to 40 minutes, at least five days aweek. For people who are unaccustomed to physical activity, it is advisable that they start with exercising for about fifteen minutes a day and work their way up, increasing their workload by about ten percent, every five days. Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, cycling, dancing, tennis, basketball, badminton and other sports, are heavily recommended if one has to strengthen larger muscle groups and work towards aerobic gains. Also strength training exercises like resistance bands and weights are advisable as they help build muscles, along with stretches that improve flexibility and prevent injuries.
u It is very important that diabetics who are on anti - diabetic medications take the following precautions:
u Consult your doctor before starting an exercise programme for the first time
u Have a high carbohydrates snack about fifteen minutes prior to the exercise
u Wear cotton socks and well - fitting sports shoes during exercise and check for blistes.cuts or other injuries of the feet, periodically
u Diabetics who suffer from numbness of their feet should restrict themselves to low impact exercises like swimming, walking or cycling
u Always stock on some sugary snacks, or chocolates while exercising to counteract the effects of sudden decrease of blood sugar (hypoglycemia) Symptoms include increased heart rate, sweating, confusion and weakness
u Drink plenty of fluids while exercising and avoid if suffering from flu or other illnesses
Along with consistency in exercise timing is vital.
Habits of Naturally Thin People
This is not a diet - or a rigorous exercise program. (Nobody can stick to those for long). Instead, it’s a sample way to make weight loss a natural part of the life you already live. And guess what? It’s fun! You don’t have to give up the foods you love or join a gym. It’s about balancing calories in tiny ways that add up to big benefits. You just adopt some tricks naturally lean people do. Pick the ones you like, stick with them, and you’ll slim down and tone up for good!
Morning Makeover
Walk-up workout - When your eyes open, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your back and hamstrings. Hold; then, using you abs, lower yourself flat. Rest and repeat two more times. Strengthens core. Burns10.
Go for the grains - Sprinkle on a few tablespoons of wheat germ or oat bran into your breakfast. Workup to 3/4 cup of low-sugar whole-grain cereal with at least three grams of fibre per serving, and you’ll pass on that doughnut.
Saves 100
Add some protein - The more you eat earlier on, the less you eat as the day wears on, research has shown. So after your cereal, add a hard boiled egg or a part-skim cheese slice to keep you feeling full - and away from that pre-lunch snack.
Saves 200 (or more)
Balance booster - While you brush your teeth, alternate standing or one leg as you switch mouth quadrants (every 30 seconds). Balancing develops your core muscles and may even be good for your brain.
Burns 10
Be a ballerina - As your coffee boils, stand sideways, put one hand on the kitchen table, and lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side; hold and extend it behind you. Do five to ten times on each leg. Tones outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps.
Burns 10
Coffee saver - Instead of pouring that 1/3 cup of full-fat milk (a whopping 105 calories!) into your mug, replace it with the same amount of skimmed milk.
Saves 60
Nine-to-Five Fixes
Tone in traffic - Use the time spent in traffic jams to develop your buns of steel; squeeze your derriere each time you tap the brake, holding for 10 seconds. Aim for 10 to 15 squeezes a trip.
Burns 10
Casual day payoff - You will blast more calories during the day wearing comfy clothes like jeans or khakis, sport shirts and soft-soled shoes than donning constricting suits, skirts and heels. Why? Because you walk more, a study found. Now you just have to convince the boss.
Burns 25
You know squat!
At your desk chair, pretend you’re going to sit but don’t - stop and come back up without using your arms. Always start squats by lowering your hips, not bending knees forward, and keeping your weight on your heels.
Repeat the motion throughout the day (even at the potty!) for 15 to 20 total. Strengthens quadriceps.
Burns 15
Switch drinks - Your body doesn’t register calories from liquids the same way it does those from foods, so you won’t get those “stop eating” signals to help you compensate for the overload later on. Change from two glasses of regular cola or packaged fruit juice to diet drinks or plain water.
Saves 300
Talk it UP - Every time you grab the phone, stand up and pace around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more per day than thin people, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Burns 50 or more
Get face time - We use emails so much we’ve forgotton what our co-workers look like. Pick a colleague or two who sits farthest from you and deliver 10 of those daily message in person. And go out of your way; Hit a bathroom or a copier on another floor and take the stairs, of course.
Burns 100
Firm as you file - Pause from your papers with a few wall push-ups. Place hands wide at shoulder height against the wall. Take a couple of steps back so your body is at a slight angle and your weight is on your toes, and do three sets of 10 push-ups. Strengthens chest and triceps.
Burns 10
An Apple (or more) a day - They’re packed with fibre and water, so your stomach will want less. Plus, studies out of US and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. Try two small apples and two fewer large biscuits.
Saves 100
Try a simple chair workout dips - If your chair has wheels, brace it against something. Facing forward, place palms on the front edge of the seat with knees bent at a right angle. Lower butt towards the floor; raise and repeat for two sets of 10. Tones triceps.
Burns 10
Lifts - Seated in a chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor, squeeze knees together and gently bring them towards your chest. Do two sets of ten. Strengthens abdominals.
Burns 10
Carry some weight - When you’re grocery shopping or running errands, wear a backpack with a 2 or 4 kilo bag of sugar inside to increase resistance and burn more calories. Add purchases to your load as it becomes easier.
Burns 20 (for an hour of errands)
Tweak your treat - Instead of a large cafe latte and a chocolate muffin, get a small latte (ask for skimmed milk) and a small low-fat raisin or carrot muffin.
Saves 340
Pump at the pump - Instead of fuming over petrol prices, think about firming your calves: With one hand on your car, stand on the balls of your feet and slowly rise up and down for as it takes your tank to fill - for a big car that might be 50 raises!
Burns 10
Do the pizza pat - Blot your slice with a napkin to cut anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of grease-and calories.
Saves 50-100
Shop till the kilos drop - At the mall, try on at least ten outfits, both pants and shirts. No need to buy!
Burns 60
Dandruff Unani Care
What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is simply dead skin shedding from your head at a fast rate. Almost everyone has had dandruff at some point to one degree or another. People with a strong degree of dandruff will experience an itchy scalp.
Causes of Dandruff :
The following are items that may cause dandruff
Hormone imbalance.
Excessive perspiration
Allergic reactions
Excessive stress
Poor hygene
Poor nutrition / health
Lack of sleep
Inherited genetic trait
Inadequete shampooing and rinsing of the hair.
Tight fitting hats.
Exceesive use of hair styling products (gel, mouse, hair dye, hair curler...)
Cold weather.
Dry environment
Excessive Heat
Even though dandruff is know as the drying of the scalp, it is most common in people with oily hair.
Dandruff Treatment
Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff yet (once you get it you may continue to have it), but there are ways that you can control and limit dandruff.
If you have only a mild case of dandruff, shampooing your hair with a regular shampoo daily or twice a day will usually do the trick.
Start out by trying a mild shampoo, stronger shampoos can irritate and dry out your hair making dandruff flaking worst.
If your standard shampoo doesn’t get rid of your dandruff, buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and your dandruff condition should improve significantly in a couple of weeks.
Picking the right shampoo for your hair can be a process of trial and error, try out different shampoos to see which one works best for you and also rotating shampoos periodically can be good for your hair.
Once you have found an anti-dandruff shampoo that works for you, keep on using it or your dandruff will most likely reoccur.
Lather and rinse twice when using anti-dandruff shampoos, the first time cycle will clean your scalp, the second cycle will medicate it.
Dandruff Treatment
If you think you may have a severe case of dandruff, it is advised that you set up an appointment with a dermatologist.
Poor health may be the cause of your dandruff, so be sure to get enough sleep, eat nutritiously, and avoid stress inducing activities.
Something in your diet may be causing you to have an allergic reaction and trigger dandruff to occur, try limiting your diet and see if your dandruff gets any better. Some foods that commonly cause an alergic reaction causing dandruff include nuts, choclate and shellfish.
If you have to scratch your head, avoid, using your fingernails to scratch (you’ll risk an infection if you do) instead use the pads of your fingers.
Wear a hat outside on days that are extremely cold, windy, and when you’re going to be out in the sun for a lengthy period.
Use a humidifier to keep the air moist.
Limit the use of hair coloring and hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.
Make sure that you get an adequate ammount of B6 in your diet, which will help prevent dandruff.
Massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers in a circular motion in increase circulation.
Dandruff - Get RID by Unani Way
Massage the scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help for growth of hair.
Apply coconut oil which has been boiled with small onions. Wash it off with a mixture of green gram powder and water drained from cooked (boiled) rice.
Apply a mixture of almond oil and gooseberry juice with finger tips on the scalp.
Apply the warm mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil. Do a steam towel wrap for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a shampoo.
Apply a paste of fenugreek and mustard to the scalp.
Mix Shikakai powder with the water drained from the cooked rice and wash the hair with it.
Crush the leaves of five petal hibiscus flower and take the juice. Wash the hair with this juice.
Heat the oil with a little camphor. Apply the oil in the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes was the hair with a herbal shampoo. Do the steam towel wrap for 15 minutes.
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