Monday, January 24, 2011

Examine Success and Failure


Examine Success and Failure

What is success and what is failure? We understand that to be successful is to arrive, to get somewhere and so we worship success. When a poor boy grows upto become a multi-millionaire, or an average student becoems the prime minister one day, he’s feted for being successful.

Is success an absolute or is it an idea we pursue? Because the moment one arrives’, there’s always a point further ahead at which one has yet to arrive. In the pursuit of success we are faced with challenges and conflicts. Even when you have “arrived”, there’s no rest for you because now you want to go still ahead; you want more. The pursuit of success is the desire for ‘more’, and a mind that’s constantly demanding ‘more’ is not an intelligent mind; on the contrary, it’s a mediocre, stupid mind, because its demand for ‘more’ implies a constant struggle in terms of the pattern which society has set for it.

What’s contentment, and what’s discontent? Discontent is hankering for ‘more’, and contentment is the cessation of that struggle; but you cannot come to a state of contentment without understanding the whole process of the ‘more’, and why the mind demands it.

If you fail an examination, for example, you would perhaps take it again. But by themselves, examinations and your performance in them don’t really reveal your true worth. Passing an examination is largely a feat of memory, or it may be a matter of chance; but you strive to pass your examinations, and if you don’t succeed, you keep at it. With most of us it’s the same process in everyday life. We’are struggling to achieve something, and we’ve never paused to enquire if the way we are dealing with it is the right way. It’s only when we’ve understood the significance or insignificance of wanting ‘more’ that we cease to think in terms of failure and success.

We’re all so afraid to fail’, to make mistakes, not only in examinations but also in life. To make a mistake is considered terrible because we’ll be criticised for it. If we’re afraid of making mistakes, we’ll never learn. The ideal of success is held up for us to follow; and success is always in terms of respectability. Even the saint in his so-called spiritual achievements must become respectable, otherwise he has no recognition, no following.

So we’re always thinking in terms of success, in terms of ‘more’, and the ‘more’ is a relative ideal dependent on what prevailing social norms consider to be respectable. If you do not live up to that societal ideal, you are likely to be called a failure. But if you love to do something with all your being, you are then not concerned with success and failure. However, very few have the evolved perspective that allows them space to think intelligent person is to see things as they are and understand the problem - which is not necessarily about bracketing action in terms of being orienged towards success or failure. It’s only when we don’t really love what we’re doing, that we think in those terms. Didn’t a wise person say. “Success is a relatrive term; there’s nothing absolute about it?”

What we think of as success today might be thought of as failure in another time and situation and vice versa. It would be in our best interest to view both what we call success and failure as relative states, and so treat both success and failure with equanimity.


* To Improve eyesight, have amla juice mixed with honey, Amla juice also helps people who have cataract.

* Amla or goosebery, as it’s also known, is rich in chromium, which makes it very beneficial for diabetics. It is known to stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. This decreases blood sugar.

* Want to have a healthy heart, Have plenty of gooseberries. They’re known to strengthen heart muscles, which in turnpump more blood in your body and make you healthy.

* Since amla is rich in antibacterial qualities, it helps the body fight infection. It builds up immunity, which makes people more resistant to diseaeses.

* Suffering from an upset stomach? opt for the amla. With its powerful laxative qualities, amla is great for curing diarrhoea and dysentery.

* It is a commonly used ingredientin several hair tonics because it is known to curb hair loss, stimulate growth and strengthen the roots.

* Studies say that having amla powder mixed with honey and butter before a meal will improve appetite.

* To get relief from acidity, mix one gram of amla powder with sugar and add it to a glass of water or milk and drink it twice a day.

* Amla is extremely rich in Vitamin C as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and Vitamin B, which makes it a very healthy option to include in your diet.

* Amla is also great for food absorption and will help you digest your meals better.


Neuro care in

Herbal Unani medicine

Nervous System is a network of billions of interconnected nerve cells (neurons) that receive stimuli, coordinate this sensory information, and cause the body to respond appropriately. The individual nerve cells transmit messages by means of a complicated electrochemical process.

The nervous system is comprised of two main divisions: the central nervous system (CNS) which consists of the Brain and the Spinal Cord; and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which consists of spinal nerves and cranial nerves. These nerves link the CNS with the body’s receptors and effectors.

What are receptors and effectors?

The receptors include the various sensory cells and sense organs, whose function is to respond to various types of stimulation. For example, eyes respond to light, and ears respond to sound. The effectors are all of the parts of the body, such as muscles and glands, that respond to instructions from the CNS.

Whar are the functions of the CNS?

The CNS integrates the information from the PNS and and sends instructions to various parts of the body so that appropriate responses are made to continually changing conditions. The brain is also involved in the processes of thinking, learning, memory, and intelligence.

What are the functions of the PNS?

The PNS signals changes in the environment, as registered by the receptors, to the CNS. The instructions from the CNS to different parts of the body are also carried by the PNS.

Anatomically, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is part of the PNS. However, in terms of function, the ANS can be considered as a separate system. The ANS is concerned with controlling the body’s involuntary activities, such as the beating of the heart, intestinal movements, and sweating. The actions of the ANS can be modified by the CNS, but it also has a degree of independence.

Neurological Disorders

There are many disorders that affect the nervous system. The brain is concerned with both physical control of the body and with mental activities, such as reasoning. For disorders of mental activity, the nervous system according to the structures involved.

Structure Disorder




the brain and

spinal cord) Meningioma (a tumor of the meninges) Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges)

Spina Bifida (a congenital defect of the spinal canal).

Central nervous

system (brain

and spinal

cord) Alzheimer’s Disease (presenile dementia) Brain Disorders Cerebral Hemorrhage


(inflammation of the brain)

Encephalitis Lethargica

(epidemic encephalitis)

Encephalopathy (any

brain disorder)


Extradural hemorrhage

(external bleeding around the brain)

Glioma (tumor of suppor

ting cells of the brain)

Hydrocephalus (build-

up of fluid within the


Korsakoff’s Syndrome

(generalized brain dysfunction)

Microcephaly (incomplete brain



Motor Neuron Disease

(degeneration of brain





Hemorrhage (bleeding

into the menings)

Syringomyelia (cavity

formation in spinal cord)

Tabes Dorsalis (brain

dysfunction due to


Peripheral Bell’s Palsy (facial

nervous system paralysis) Neurofibroma (a tumour

of the connective tissue

of a nerve)


(inflammation of several


Retrobulbar Neuritis

(inflammation of the optic nerve)

Trigeminal Neuralgia

(Facial pain)

Von Recklinghausen’s

Disease (multiple tumours of the nerve sheaths).

For all Neurological disorder, Remedy is there in Unani Treatment such as by Dietotherapy regimental therapy and by single / compound Unani formulations.

Diarrhoea in Children

and Unani Management

Diarrhoea is loose, watery, and frequent stools.

It occurs due to :

Infection – (viral,bacterial,parasitic, infections such as worms)

Sensitivity to certain foods

Reaction to certain medicines

If not management properly, it may lead to ‘Dehydration’, Dehydration means your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions,

Severe dehydration is a medical emergency and if not treated may cause permanent brain damage or death.

A dehydrated child :

Is irritable and restless.

Has dry, sunken eyes.

Is thirsty, drinks eagerly.

If pinched, skin takes long time to go back.

Prevention :

Wash hands with soap after passing stool.

Drink safe clean water.

Wash hands before eating.

Wash fruits and vegetables.

Keep food covered.


Rehydrate the child.

Continue breast feeding.

Give child ORS or home made sugar and salt solution frequently.

Slowly start light food, like bananas, rice, boiled potatoes, toast, curd, soups etc.


Don’t give child milk or milk products.

Don’t give drinks that have caffeine such as colas, coffee etc.

Don’t give foods that are greasy (oily), high in fiber or are very sweet.

How to make sugar and salt solution at home?

Add 1 level teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoon of sugar in 1 litre or 5 cupfuls of boiled and cooled water and stir well to dissolve. Solution should be consumed within 24 hours of its preparation. Discard the leftover solution.

Consult a physician if Diarrhoea is severe, or lasts longer than 2-3 days.

Stool contain blood or mucus.

Diarrhoea keeps returning, or the child is losing weight.

The child has signs of dehydration.

Child has vomiting, fever, cramps in abdomen.

How can unani help?

Following are some of the commonly used unani medicines for ‘Diarrhoea in children’ which can be taken as a first line treatment as per instructions. However it is advised that a qualified unani doctor should be consulted.


Stool undigested, thin, greenish.

Stool preceded by colic and cramps.

Stool followed by exhaustion and drowsiness.

Diarrhoea after taking juicy fruits or cider.

Green, slimy, hot, undigested stool with offensive flatus.

Child is extremely irritable and peevish.

One cheek red and other pale.

Slimy, greenish offensive diarrhoea.

Profuse sweat on head.

Early morning painless diarrhoea; after taking acid fruits.

Green, watery, offensive, profuse, gushing stool.

Sour smelling diarrhoea.

Whole body of child smells sour.

Pain in abdomen with tenesmus (painful urge for stool)

Child is unable to digest milk.

Pain in stomach due to milk.

Undigested sour smelling stool.

General Instructions while taking Unani Treatment :

Medicines as indicated in this handout should be taken if the symptoms mentioned against each medicine match those of the patient.

Medicine to be taken -3 globules of size 40 every 3 hours dry on the tongue or in plain drinking water.

Medicine should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.

If improvement occurs within 24 hours then medicine should be stopped.

While taking the medicine, if the patient does not get any relief within 24 hours or becomes worse at any time, then consult the nearest unani doctor.

Medicines must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.

Medicines should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.

Medicines should be kept away from the reach of children.

Myths & Unani

Facts of Male Impotency

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said: There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance”. These words and the wisdom are still relevant today.

Many of the myths about impotence, are out of ignorance. They influence our sexual life.

Myth No.1 - Real men don’t experience impotence

Fact : All men over the age of 30 experience impotence, atleast once in their lifetime. It’s estimated that over 150 million men worldwide have impotence; in fact, reports suggest this figure could be as high as 300 million or more. Estimating the numbers is difficult because less than 2 men in 10 seek treatment for impotence problems.

Impotence (or erectile dysfunction) is defined as the inability to produce and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Impotence is not considered to include lack of libido, inability to ejaculate or achieve orgasm, a lack of strength or the loss of “manhood”.

Myth No.2 - Impotence is “all in the mind”

Fact : According to the above cited author less than 20% of impotence cases have a primary psychological cause. The majority of men with impotence have an underlying physical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or prostate cancer. Stress, anxiety and loss of self-esteem are often secondary psychological factors that occur if the impotence remains undiagonsed and untreated. Medically it is now realised that incidence increases with age. Vascular disease involving internal pudendal artery or its branches. It may be an early symptom of diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis & tabes dorsalis. Endocrine causes may result in loss of libido.

Myth No.3 - Impotence is natural part of growing old

Fact : The chances of experiencing impotence increase with age. It is largely due to the increased risk of having an underlying physical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. To compound this factor, a number of medications prescribed for these conditions can cause impotence. Scientifically Penile erection and ejaculation are under autonomic control via the pelvic nerves. Erection is largely parasympathetic in control and is impaired by drugs which have anticholinergic effect and also some anti-hypertensive & anti-depression agents. Sympathetic activity is important for ejaculation and may be inhibited by alpha adrenoceptor antagonists.

Myth No.4 - Impotence is a man’s problem

Fact : Both partners in a relationship can experience problems when impotence goes untreated. Often failure to recognise the problem leads to depression, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem for both partners. A tendency to avoid sexual contact can often leave the partner feeling unloved, unattractive and unwanted.

Myth No.5 - Encountering erectile dysfunction is inevitable with increasing age

Fact : Not necessarily. Though the level of sexual stimulation in men changes as they age, it does not mean that they are considered medically impotent. Older men may need a longer time in order to become aroused or they may may need more physical stimulation. They also have a higher risk of getting health problems like hypertension and diabetes which can contribute to erectile dysfunction partially. Proper medication and diet improves the situation.

Myth No.6 - Smoking does not cause impotence

Fact : Medical research has proven that smoking does cause impotence by decreasing the blood flow into the penis. Nicotine, the chemical that makes smoking addictive, restricts the flood of blood into the penis by blocking key arteries. Aside from blocking the arteries, nicotine also impairs the valve mechanisms that store blood within the penis.

Myth No.7 - If conventional drugs can not help impotence, then everything is lost.

Fact : Not necessarily true. There are other alternative system of medicine and methods that are available now that can help in treating impotence.

Myth No.8 - Young men do not experience impotence

Fact : This is completely false. In fact, it is said that one out of 10 young men are bound to encounter erectile dysfunction. The causes of these cases are more likely due to the mental health of the patient rather than his physical well being.

Lifestyle Changes required in Impotency

As stated earlier many cases of impotence are due to reduced blood flow from blocked arteries. It is important to maintain the same lifestyle habits as those as suggested.


Everyone should eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fibre and low in saturated fats and sodium without any imbalance of Sodium & Potassium.


A regular exercise program is extremely important. One study reported that older men who ran 40 miles a week boosted their testosterone levels by 25% compared to inactive persons.

Limit Alcohol and Quit Smoking

Men who drink alcohol should do so in moderation. quitting smoking is essential.

Depression and anxiety

Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, and fear of sexual failure. Should be addressed by use Ginseng 1X Tablets or Alpha TS. Persons should be advised to relax and try to be tension free while performing sexual activities.

A guide for those using Damiaplant


Be gentle. Gentle touch goes a long way. Experiment with touching. Let your partner control the touching and let her tell you when she is ready to be touched. Hold hands.

Experiment with Touching. Again, see above. This is important enough to repeat. Experiment with non-sexual touching first. Have foreplay, and not intercourse. Teach your partner that touching does NOT always lead to sex.

Pay Attention to your partner during sex. Ask your partner is she wants you to avoid saying anything in particular or if they want you to say something specific. Look at them, may be not the whole time, but often enough to make brief eye contact and keep your partner there with you.

Give compliments. Don’t overdo it or you’ll look insincere, but it’s important to tell her that you think she’s beautiful, that you love her, and if you can keep them, to make promises that you won’t hurt her or leave her. reassure her, Tellher she’s sexy.

Let your partner know how her actions affect you. Your partner isn’t the only one who needs taken care of in this relationship-Remember that if your partner does someting to hurt you, talk about it. You’re in this together. She probably won’t realize that if she hurts herself, she’s hurting you as well.


Don’t have sex when you know she doesn’t want to-when you’re not sure, Ask\ and make sure you have consent. Consent is notalways implied. Ask, She will apprieciate you for it.

Don’t tell her that her feelings don’t make “sense”. A lot of the time they probably won’t, but think of another way to point it out. Saying this will put your partner on the defensive and discourage her from exploring their feelings further and of telling you about them.

Don’t Ever say, “Well, most girls like to do this/would do this..... “By saying this, you completely shoot us down. It’s such a huge feelings of rejection, and it causes feelings of failure worthlessness, and resentment. Hold your tongue.

Don’t get too stressed! Stress is conductive with impotence. You should find different ways to relax. Some common ways to relax are reading a book, meditating, breathing techniques, taking a nap, trying a glass of wine or just closing your eyes.

Don’t eat processed foods! Processed or fast foods tend to be artery cloggers, which lower circulation levels and cause impotence.

Don’t ignore the problem.

Sixty (Plus) uses of Salt

in Unani

Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a great number of uses other than simply seasoning your food.

The following list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of which you probably didn’t realize.

1. If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg, let it sit for a while, then use dustpan the egg will come right up, without all that mess. Contributed by Ms.Jerry McGinnis.

2. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.

3. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.

4. Soak fish in salt water before decaling; the scales will come off easier.

5. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.

6. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.

7. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water.

8. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.

9. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.

10. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk them up.

11. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won’t stick.

12. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they will last longer.

13. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.

14. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet bowl.

15. Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight and they will crack out of their shells whole. Just tap the end of the shell with a hammer to break it open easily.

16. Boil clothes pins in salt water before using them and they will last longer.

17. Clean brass, copper and powder with past made of salt and vinegar, thickned with flour.

18. Add a little salt to the water your cut flowers will stand in for a longer life.

19. Pour a mound of salt on an ink spot on your carpet; let the salt soak up them stain.

20. Clean you iron by rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the ironing surface.

21. Adding a little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double boiler will make the food cook faster.

22. Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.

23. To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and starch, with just enough water to make stiff putty.

24. Rinse a sore eye with a little salt water.

25. Mildly salted water makes an effective mouthwash. Use it hot for a sore throat gargle.

26. Dry salt sprinkled on your toothbrush makes a good tooth polisher.

27. Use salt for killing weeds in your lawn.

28. Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.

29. A dash of salt in warm milk makes a more relaxing beverage.

30. Before using new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for a while.

31. A dash of salt enhances the taste of tea.

32. Salt improves the taste of cooking apples.

33. Soak your clothesling in salt water to prevent your clothes from freezing to the line; likewise, use salt in your final rinse to prevent the clothes from freezing.

34. Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt water to prevent yellowing.

35. Freshen sponges by soaking them in salt water.

36. Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.

37. Soak enamel pans in salt water overnight and boil salt water in them next day to remove burned on stains.

38. Clean your greens in salt water for easier removal of dirt.

39. Gelatin sets more quickly when a dash of salt is added.

40. Fruits put in mildly salted water after peeling will not discolor.

41. Fabric put in mildly salted water after peeling will not discolor.

42. Milk stays fresh longer when a little salt is added.

43. Use equal parts of salt and soda for brushing your teeth.

44. Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.

45. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove stains.

46. Clean greasy pans with a paper towl and salt.

47. Salty water boils faster when cooking eggs.

48. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip more quickly.

49. Sprinkle salt in milk-scorched pans to remove odour.

50. A dash of salt improves the taste of coffee.

51. Boil mismatched hose in salty water and they will come out matched.

52. Salt and soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.

53. Cover wine-stained fabric with salt; rinse in cool water later.

54. Remove offensive odours from stove with salt and cinnamon.

55. A pinch of salt improves the flavour of cocoa.

56. To remove grease stains in clothing, mix one part salt to four parts alcohol.

57. Salt and lemon juice removes mildew.

58. Sprinkle salt between sidewalk bricks where you don’t want grass growing.

59. Polish your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look. Remove odors from sink drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of salt water.

60. If a pie bubbles over in your oven, put a handful of salf on top of the spilled juice. The mess won’t smell and will bake into a dry, light crust which will wipe off easily when the oven has cooled.


Back Pain is one of the most common discomforts during pregnancy .Half of all the pregnant women can expect some back pain.


Ligaments stretch and become softer due to hormonal change

Hollow in the back increases as the baby grows.

Shift of the centre of gravity of the body due increasing weight in the front part of the body.

Muscles of the back have to work more due to increased weight.


Practice good posture.

Sit and stand with care.

Wear low-heeled (but not flat) shoes with good arch support.

Sit with good back support.

Apply hot pads to the painful area.

Do special exercise for the back to strengthen the back muscles under the supervision of an expert.


Don’t sleep on a soft bed.

Don’t sleep on your back. Try to sleep on your side

Don’t bend over from the waist to pick things up-squat down, keep your back straight and pick up things.

Don’t lift heavy objects.

Avoid excessive weight gain.

Some common Exercise to strengthen the back during pregnancy:

How can Unani help in “Backache during pregnancy”?

Following are some of the commonly used unani medicines for ‘Backache during pregnancy ‘. It is advised that a qualified unani doctor should be consult


Severe,continuous, dull ache lower back and hips

Back feels tired and weak when walking

Backache worse when walking or stooping

Backache due to strain on

Back muscles or injury

Sore lame, bruised feeling as if beaten

Bed seems too hard

Cannot walk straight

Pain and stiffness in the lower back

Pain better when moving, lying on something hard and on hot fomentation.

Pain worse while sitting

General Instructions while taking Unani Treatment :

Medicines as indicated in this handout should be taken if the symptoms mentioned against each medicine match those of the patient.

Medicine to be taken -3 globules of size 40 every 3 hours dry on the tongue or in plain drinking water.

Medicine should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.

If improvement occurs within 24 hours then medicine should be stopped.

While taking the medicine, if the patient does not get any relief within 24 hours or becomes worse at any time, then consult the nearest unani doctor.2

Medicines must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.

Medicines should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.

Medicines should be kept away from the reach of children.


Facts about Dengue

Dengue Fever is a sever, flu-like illness characterized by high fever, severe bodyache and intense headache.

Dengue fever can be caused by any one of the four types of dengue viruses:

DEN-1, DEN- 2, DEN_3, DEN-4.

Infection with one virus does not protect a person against infection with another.

A person can be infected only one once by the same type.

It is also called ‘Break bone fever’ or ‘Haddi tod bukhar’ because of severe bodyache and joint pains as one of its characteristic features.

The fever is more severe in children.

How it Spreads

Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

It is a small, black mosquito with white stripes and is approximately 5 mm in size.

The mosquito breeds during rainy season and immediately after that (July to October ) in India.

It can also breed in water-filled flower pots, discarded tyres, old broken pots and water storage containers.

Mosquitoes causing Dengue bite during the day.

How does one get affected with Dengue

The mosquito transmit the disease by biting an infected person and then biting a healthy one.

The virus cannot spread directly from person to person but an infected person can be a source of dengue virus for mosquitoes for about 6 days.

Person develops disease after 3-14 days (usually 4-7 days) of being bitten by an infective mosquito.

The entire duration of classical dengue fever is 5-7 days, after which the patient recovers.

Types of Dengue

It occurs in two forms:

Classical Dengue Fever

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Shock Syndrome

Symptoms of Classical Dengue Fever

Sudden onset of high fever with chills

Severe muscle and joint pains

Pain behind the eyes which worsens with eye movement.

Extreme weakness and loss of sense of taste and appetite.

Pain in abdomen with nausea and vomiting

Patient generally feels very sick and depressed.

Typical pinkish red rash in the form of diffuse flushing, mottling, or pinhead eruptions on body (except face), 3-4 days after fever begins.

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) should be suspected if one or more of the following symptoms appear, besides the above mentioned symptoms of Classical Dengue fever.

Bleeding in the form of petechiae, which appear as dark bluish balack patches on skin (of pin head size or larger)

n Easy bruising

n Bleeding from nose, mouth or gums.

n Blood in the vomited matter or in stool.

Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)

This form of dengue fever can be life-threatening or even fatal. Apart from all other symptoms mentioned above, the patient may develop the symptoms of shock which are as follows:

Extreme restlessness

Pale, cold, or clammy skin despite high fever

Dry mouth with much thirst

Rapid weak pulse and low blood pressure

Patient may start losing consciousness

General Management of Classical Dengue Fever:

If fever is more than 102oF,carryout hydrotherapy to bring down the temperature.

Drink plenty of fluids, shikanji (lime water),etc.

Take sufficient rest.

Continue normal feeding

Protect yourself from mosquito bite. This not only keep you away from this infection, but also, in turn, prevent others from catching this infection.

Patients with Dengue hemorrhagic fever may need

Replacement of lost fluids

Transfusions of platelets (a kind of blood cells which become low in DHF and DSS) to control bleeding.


Prevention of dengue fever can broadly be classified into two :

1. Preventing breeding of Aedes mosquitoes

2. Protection from Aedes mosquito bite.

Protection from Aedes mosquito bite

It is important to remember that Aedes mosquitoes bite even during daytime and hence precautions should be taken against their bite during day time also.

Remove water from coolers and other small containers at least once in a week.

If it is not possible to completely drain the water off from room cooler, water tanks etc., put about two tablespoons (30 ml) of petrol or kerosene oil into them for each 100 litres of water. This will prevent mosquito breeding.

Discard items that can collect rain or run off water, especially old an discarded tyres, broken pots, etc.

Prevent entry of mosquitoes into the house.

Use screen on doors and windows.

Keep unscreened doors and windows closed.

Let the spray workers conduct the spray, whenever they come to spray your house. It is in your own interest to get the house sprayed.

Use mosquito nets, mosquito repllent creams, liquids, coils, mats etc., even while sleeping during day time.

Do not allow water to collect around homes to eliminate mosquito breeding site.

Do not wear clothes that expose arms and legs.

Do not let the garbage collect near house.

Do not allow children to play outdoors in shorts and half/without sleeves clothes.

What can Unani do?

Following are the commonly used Unani medicines for Dengue fever. However it is advised that a qualified unani doctor should be consulted for proper treatment and care.


v Usually taken during early stage of fever.

v High fever with redness of face.

v Severe headache

v Great anxiety and restlessness

v Cold sweat with icy coldness of the face

v Profuse sweat relieves the symptoms

v Thirst for large quantity of water at frequent intervals.

v Intense headache, especially at temples with sensation as if head would burst.

v Sharp pain in eyes.

v Sensation of fainting on rising up.

v Dry mouth with tongue coated white in the middle.

v Thirst for large quantity of water at long intervals.

v Pain in joints, worse during motion and better during rest.

v Chills preceded by intense thirst

v Great soreness and aching in bones

v Nausea and vomiting at the end of chill or hot stage

v Sweating relieves all the symptoms except headache.

v Soreness and bruised sensation in whole body.

v Severe aching of limbs and bones which is worse during rest and better while moving around.

v Chilliness with sensation as if cold water is poured on the body.

v Extreme restlessness with continuous change of position.

v Loss of appetite with no liking for food.

v Great thirst with tongue dry and red on the tip.

General Instructions

Medicine should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably in empty stomach.

Strong smelling substances like onion, garlic etc. should not be taken within half an hour before and after taking the medicine.

The medicine should not be taken if the white globules turn yellow.

Unani medicines act better in patients who are not addicted to tobacco products. It is, therefore, advisable to restrict the use of cigarette, beedi, paan masala, alcohol, narecotics, etc. when one is under unani medication.

If improvement occurs within 2-3 days, then medicine should be stopped.

If patient doesn’t improve within 48 hours or becomes worse at any time, then a qualified unani doctor should be consulted.

During unani treatment, no other medicines should be taken, unless suggested by a qualified unani doctor.

Keep the medicines

Away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.

In a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.

Away from the reach of children.

Eye Care Through Unani


“Eyes are the window to the mind” A pair of sparkling eyes is the most beautiful and attractive features in person, One need not emphasize the importance of the eyes. Eyes were greatly valued by ancient Indians and much importance has been accorded to their protection.

Unani has identified three important factors being responsible for the causation of all types of diseases which include Ophthalmic problems too:

1. Incompatible contact of sense organs (eyes) with their respective sensations.

2. Misuse of intellect.

3. Abnormal cycles of seasons

To Overcome these three factors, ancient medical scholars prescribed specific diet drugs and practices out of these three, practices play a central role in the prevention and cure of eye diseases. Practices advised for the protection of the eyes such as (massage of feet) (cold water applications) are mentioned in various texts of unani . Solar therapy found in resembles therapeutic principles of yoga and naturopathy.

It would be observed that the contemporary yoga movement supported it’s philosophical values and got shrouded with art of physical cultures. This phase is characterized by rapid movement which includes adaptation of procedures to protect the eyes from different affections.

In the present times new eyes diseases have become a major threat to the mankind and hense significance of multi-disciplinary approach become mandatory. Integration of concepts of unani preventive ophthalmology, principles of yoga and naturapathy and traditional practices of eye exercises are essential to tackle eye problems.


For correction of refractive errors and the cure for other eye diseases the following exercises are advisable. All exercises should preferably be performed twice daily, i.e., morning and evening.

1. Sunning

The eye is exposed to sun for a period of 5 minutes daily. First, apply the sun drops made with garlic juice and honey with a glass rod in each eye, after that sit facing the sun with eyes closed and chin raised, then sway your body from side like a pendulum for 5 minutes.

2. Eye Wash

After sunning, come to shade and rinse your eyes by blinking about 20 times in to weak solution of Triphala using a pair of eye cups filled to the brim. Eye wash is very effective in toning up the eye muscles and the surrounding tissues.

3. Palming

Sit comfortably with your eye closed and covered by your palms (the fingers being crossed upon the forehead). Elbows should rest on a cushion in such a way so as to avoid pressure on the eye ball. Perfectly black field is experience before the eyes. Improvement in eyesight and feeling of relaxation and relief of pain and sense of coolness in the head can be experienced. This exercise can be practiced several times during the day. Morning is best suited. Fatigue, noise, hunger, anger, worry or depression are conditions which make palming difficult. While palming take deep breathing. It improves the accuracy and sensitiveness of eyes, nerves and mind. Have deep breathing and keep the mouth closed. See that more time is taken for exhalation than inhalation and continue the exercise till you complete one hundred respiration.

4. Swinging / Shifting

Moving the eye from one side to another is called shifting. Stationary objects appear to move in the direction opposite to the movement of the head and eyes. For example, when you travel in a fast moving train, telephone poles and other objects (though stationary) appear to move in the opposite direction. The eyes gets rest only when it is moving. Shifting can be practiced both either with eyes open or closed.

Stand one feet apart in front of a board with vertical bar like structures, and move your body from right to left or vice versa 50 to 100 times. Keep eye and the sight shifting along with the movement of your head and blink at each end. Observe that the bars appears to move in the opposite direction.

The right way to swing is to move the eyes from one point to another slowly, regularly, continuously, restfully, easily without effort and without trying to see any other object. Do not stare at objects and make no effort to fix your sight at them. Lazily shift your sight from one point to another without having any idea that you are seeing the object. Blink once on each side. Move your head, eyes and body rhythmically from side to side.

5. Candle Flame

Sit facing the candle flame about one feet apart and gently move the body forward and backward with the rhythm of respiration. Continue the exercise till you complete 25 to 100 respiration.

6. Candle Light Reading

Fine point reading is beneficial to the eye. It saves the eyes from cataract, glaucoma or other old age diseases of the eyes. Shift the sight on while line of fine point and blink at the end each line. Read the print in good light and candle light alternatively without glasses with each eye separately. The book is held at a distance from which it could be seen best. The patient should not look directly at the letters but just at the white spaces between the lines of print and imagine that they are perfectly white. Move the head a little from side and blink often.

7. Playing with the Ball

Toos the ball to the ground and observe the bouncering ball moving your sight and head at the same time. Increase the speed of the ball and continue the exercise for about 50 to 100 times. After this toss the ball from one hand to another hand and move your head and the eyes along with the ball, and blink when yo catch the ball, Repeat it for 50 to 100 times.

8. Vapourisation

Put two or three drops of eucalyptus oil or crystals of menthol in boiling water and by covering your head allow the vapour to strike on your face and keep blinking for sometime till you perspire.

9. Cold Pads

Wipe out the perspiration and put cotton pads, soaked in cold water and squeeze, on your closed eyes and relax for 10 minutes.

Tirpbala Preparation:

Take one cup of water and ¼ teaspoonful of triphala powder. Boil the water and filter it, when it is lukewarm. Fill up the eye cupa and wash the eyes. Fresh should be prepared for each application.


Those who wish to have prolonged healthy vision, should keep the value of practices and daily regimes prescribed by ancient scholars. Some of them are as follows:

Massage of feet: Regular massage of feet with gingel oil with ensure clear eyesight and prevention of eye diseases.

Cold water application

Keeping mouthful of cold water 2 t0 4 time a day will keep good eyesight and ensure good vision.

Instillation of few drops of cold water into the eyes 3 to 4 times a dat is beneficial for vision.

Keeping the wet palms over eyes, washing hands after each meal, prevents refractive errors, cataract etc.forever.

One should use warm water for bath. Hot water if used daily on the head, it lessens the eyesight.

C. AVIOD HARMFUL PRACTICES LIKE….. Excessive consumption of alcohol.

Chewing of betel leaf with tobacco

Day sleep.


What you should know about cataract

How common is the prevalence?

Cataract is clouding of the lens of eye, where the clear lens loses its transparency and focusing quality. It is common in elderly people, who are over the age 50. Approximately 50% of human population between the ages 60 and 74, and 70% over the age 75 have cataract.

What causes cataract?

There is no specific cause identified, but the following are considered as risk factors :

* Advancing age with improper care of eyes.

* Cigarette smoking

* High cholesterol and triglycerides

* Diabetes mellitus

* Eye injury

* Excessive exposure to sunlight

* Improper nutrition

Signs and symptoms of cataract

In the very early stages of cataract no significant symptom may appear. As time passes, some of the following symptoms may appear :

* Hazy vision

* Glaring of sun light

* Sharp edges are difficult to make out

* Streaks or rays of light as if comes from light sources

* Circular ring surrounding the light

* Rainbow like semi circle

* Difficult reading in dim light

Psychological impact of cataract

Cataract can affect an individual psychologically also resulting in following

Tips to prevent cataract

* Avoid cigarette smoking

* Avoid continuous eye strain for a long time

* Avoid watching TV or working on computer for a long time.

* Avoid direct sun light

* Use medicated dye drops like CMS

* Take nutritious diet, particularly food that contains vitamins A, B, and C.

* Rest your eyes by closing them for a while, especially when you have been working with computer, watching TV, reading etc. for a long time.

* Take liquid diets often such as fresh juice, water and milk.

* Do regular eye care and protection from dust, radiation, injury and infection.

Unani Treatment for common disorder

Iltehab -E - Kabid (Infective Hepatitis)

Iltehab-e-Kabid (Infective hepatitis) is a yellowish pigmentation of skin and mucous membranes caused by the presence of excessive bile pigments in the blood. Yarquan (Jaundice) has been defined by ancient Unani Physicians as visible yellow or black discolouration of conjunctiva and skin due to diffusion of yellow or black bile in blood towards skin with or without putrifaction.


While describing Yarquan (Jaundice) ancient physicians have described pulse and naked eye examination of urine and stool of patient as the main criteria for the diagnosis of the disease.

Signs & Symptoms

b Anorexia

b Pruritis

b Acute constipation

b Pain in hepatic region

b General weakness

b Hepatic enlargement

b Severe nausea


b Bed rest

b Fat free light diet

b Use of anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, deobstruents and demulcents.


Single Drugs Compound Drugs

Gul-e-Tesu Betea monosperma (Lam.) Taub Sharbat Dinar

Gulab Rosa damascena Mill Sharbat Anar

Sandal Santalum album Linn Sharbat Ward

Kasni Cichorium intybus Linn Majoon Dabidulward

Mako Solanum nigrum Linn Dawa-ul-kurkum

Badiyan Foeniculum vlugare Mill Arq-e-Kasni

Shahtara Fumaria indica Pugsley Arq-e-Mako

Podina Mentha viridis (Linn) Linn.Mentha viridis (Linn) Linn. Jawarish Podina

Learning Disabilities

for Children - A Unani Study

Learning disability refers to a group of disorders that affect a broad range of academic and functional skills (not due to hearing or vision disorder) including the child’s ability to :

- Read

- Write

- Spell

- Mathematical abilities

* A learning disability is not indicative of low intelligence.

* Children with learning disabilities have difficulty in achieving their expected intellectual level because of deficient brain functioning.

* About 2% to 10% of children suffer from these disabilities.

Probable Causes :

* Genetic (hereditary predisposition)

* Mother’s intake of alcohol during pregnancy.

* Abnormal development of brain in the womb.

* Low birth weight of the child.

* Premature delivery

* Head injuries

* Lead poisoning

Reading Disabilites

* Most common learning disability.

* Child’s reading ability is below the expected level for his age, education and intelligence.

* Reading disability causes significant harm to child’s school performance.

Signs and Symptoms

* Impaired ability to recognize words.

* Slow and inaccurate reading

* Poor comprehension - cannot understand what he/she has read

* May be able to copy from printed text correctly but spellings are poor

* Child avoids reading and writing.

Mathematics Disability

It is child’s disability in performing the mathematical calculations expected of his/her age, intellectual capacity and educational level.

Mathematic disorder can occur in olation or with language and reading disabilities.

Signs and Symptoms

* Difficulty in recognizing numbers and learning to count.

* Difficulty in learning basic mathematics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and sequential operations.

* Problem in understanding mathematical terms and in converting written problems into mathematical symbols.

* Poor performance in the subjects requiring above skills like maths and science.

Disability in Writing

It refers to childs writing skill significantly below the expected level for his age, intellectual capacity and education.

Signs and Symptoms

* Too many spelling mistakes

* Large number of errors in grammar and punctuation

* Poor performance in composing written text.

* Impaired ability to place works sequentially.

* Paragraphs are disorganized and not in proper sequence.

* Poor performance in the school.

Psychological Impact of learning disabilities on the child

* Frustration, anger and low self-esteem due to repeated failure in school.

* Ashamed that they are unable to read or have poor handwriting.

* Nervous tension when the child is forced to “try harder” by people who don’t recognize the reason for learning difficulty.

* Depression as the child slowly gets secluded, isolated and hopeless.

Do’s and Don’ts for learning disorders

* Get the child examined for vision or hearing defects first.

* Once the learning disorder is diagnosed, help or remedial educator may be sought to develop educational plan according to the child’s needs.

* Improve child’s skills by involving him/her in small structured reading/writing/mathe matical activity or through toy games for the type of disability.

* Guide the child properly; praise and reward them as often as you can.

* Encourage child’s strengths, interests and abilities.

* Don’t reject, criticize or ridicule the child.

What can unani do?

Unani medicines together with remedial therapy for correct educational approach are helpful in overcoming the child’s learning disability.

Unani Treatment of Anxiety

and Fears in Pregnancy

Mild anxiety is a normal emotional reaction especially during first pregnancy. But undue anxiety and fear may :

* disrupt the normal routine of the pregnant mother.

* cause loss of sleep and poor appetite in mother.

* affect the health of the unborn baby.

Fears and anxieties associated with pregnancy are about :

* Miscarriage or losing the pregnancy.

* Excessive nausea and vomiting.

* Physical changes that occur in the woman’s body during preganancy and after delivery.

* Coping with the pain of labour and delivery.

* Health and well being of the baby.

* How to look after the baby, especially in first time mothers or working mothers.

An anxious woman may :

* be quite unlike her usual self.

* laugh or cry over nothing

* be forgetful

* not concentrate on anything for very long

* have severe depression or anxiety.

Tips to cope with such anxieties and fears :

* Female bodies are made to accommodate labour and delivery, so there is nothing to panic about.

* Discuss your anxiety and fears with your spouse, friends, relations and elderly female members of the family.

* Attend ante natal classes and group discussions to remove the misconceptions and apprehensions related to pregnancy and delivery.

Consult a physician when the anxiety

* is severe and lasts longer than few hours.

* disrupts the normal routine of the pregnant woman.

* affects sleep and appetite of the pregnant woman.


Great worry, fear and anxiety over trivial ailments.

Fear of death or of the future.

Restless; does everything in great haste.

Music is unbearable, makes her sad.

Depression with dreams of impending evil.

Very emotional.

Weeps easily

Easily discouraged

Likes sympathy

Fearful in evening, of being along, of ghosts.

General Debility

What is general debility?

General debility refers with degenerative changes in the body tissue especially concerning with muscular system. It’s main feature is feeling of weakness without or with mild labour.

What is the impact of General debility?

General debility is characterized by lots of features with the less physical activity.

m Weakness

m Fatigue

m Giddiness

m Excess sweating

m Weight loss

How Unani manages General debility?

m Exercise

m Massage

m Jurkish baths

What are the useful medicinal plants for general debility?

m Withania somnifera

m Prunus amygdalus

m Phyllanthus emblica

m Peuraria tuberosa

m Asparagus racemosus

m Phoenix sylvestris

m Curculigo orchioides

Specific Do’s and Don’ts


m Wheat, old Rice, (green gram), green leafy vegetables, milk ghee.

m Usage of Almond, Kharjura, Anjeera, Kaju and other seasonal fruits.

m Usage of Goat milk is beneficial.

m Regular exercises, oily massages, Pranayama, Yoga, good social and personal conduct.


m Incompatible, unwholesome food.

m Excess spicy, salty, astringent food items.

m Stored food items.

m Supperssion natural urges and irregular sleep habits.

m Smoking, Alcohol, excess coffee/tea.



Faulty Diet Habits & Lifestyle

Consumption unwholsesome, dry, stale and more spicy food.

Ecessive and regular consumption of alcohol.

Infections (viruses - Hep. A,B,C,D,E)

Improper use of certain drugs.

Signs & Symptoms

Abdominal pain, Abdominal distension, Heaviness in abdomen, Loss of appetitie, Low grade fever, Fatigue, Anaemia, Thirst, Jaundice


Cleansing Therapy - Some Important Drugs

Unani Medicine

Picrorhiza kurroa

Phyllanthus amarus


Patient may be kept on restricted diet for few days.

Food consists of - Sali variety of rice, Barley, Moong dal, Cows milk, butter milk.

Ginger, Garlic

Leaf & Fruit of Trichosanthes dioica, Boerhavia diffusa

Leaves of Moringa oleifera

Leaves of Solanum nigrum

Fruits - Amla, Pomegranate, Grapes, Papaya, Orange, Lemon) etc.


Fatrich, heavy diet

Food with pesticide contamination

Excessive consumption of alcohol

Excessive exercise

Day time sleep.

Bronchitis Treatment

by Unani Way

What is Bronchitis

Respiratory disorder characterized by discomfort in chest, productive/unproductive cough commonly occurs in winter and rainy season.

What is the impact of bronchitis?

Irritating dry cough or hacking cough that produces mucus accompanied by paid & tightness in the chest.

Wheezes and breathlessness.

Low-grade fever.

What are the useful medicinal plants for bronchitis?

Glycyrrhiza glabra

Solanum xanthocarpum

Ocimum sanctum

Piper longum

Inula racemosa

Adhatoda vasica

Curcuma longa

Specific Do’s and Don’ts


Wheat, green gram, old Rice.

Usage of Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, Black pepper.

Goat milk, Honey, Luke warm water, fruits like Amla are beneficial.

Regular physical and respiratory exercises.


Sweets, chilled food items, curd, contaminated water, mustard leaves, incompatible food.

Exposure to cold, humid atmospher, smoke, dust and fumes.

Unani for Acute Bronchitis in Children

Acute bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tree, leading to swelling and mucus formation in lungs resulting in cough, breathlessness and wheezing (whistling sound when you breathe).


Infection (mostly viral, rarely bacterial or fungal)

Allergic response

Signs and symptoms:


Chest feels tight with difficulty in breathing.

Sputum becomes yellowish, green and increases in quantity after 1-2 days

High fever

Loss of appetite

Do’s and Don’ts:

Keep the child away from air pollution, smoke, dust etc.

Wash child’s hands often to get rid of any viruses.

Don’t ignore the symptoms : taking incomplete treatment may lead to chronic bronchitis

What can Unani do?

Improves self defense mechanism of the body

No side-effectsof medicines.

Helps in reducing the severity of the attack.

Following are some of the first line medicines for bronchitis but it is advised that a qualified unani doctor should be consulted.


Onset of bronchitis due to exposure to

dry, cold winds.

Constant pressure in chest .

Difficulty in breathing.

Noisy breathing.

Hoarse and dry cough.

Extreme restlessness with anxiety.

Increased thirst.

Dry cough with gagging and vomiting.

Gets worse after eating.

Difficulty breathing.

Worse during movement but better at rest.

Child likes to drink large quantity of water often.


General Instructions while taking Unani Treatment

Medicines as indicated in this handout should be taken if the symptoms mentioned against each medicine match those of the patient.

Medicines should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably in empty stomach.

If improvement occurs within 24 hours then medicine should be stopped.

If the patient does not improve within 24 hours or becomes worse at any time, then consult the nearest unani doctor.

Medicines must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.

Medicines should be kept in a cool, dry places away from direct exposure to sunlight.

Medicines should be kept away from the reach of children.

Be a better dad

Parenting here are ten tips that will help dad be a role model for the family.

Children need structure. Structure includes consistency, reliability, and meeting expectations. Children need to know what time dinner will be, what time bedtime will be, what the rules are for homework, and the rules are playing outside. Dads can be flexible occasionally, but children need parents to set the structure and stick to it.

The way a father treats women, even their daughter, teaches the latter what they can expect from men in their lives, and it teaches sons how to treat women. Treating women with respect, even if their behaviour is disagreeable, is a way of treating the children with respect.

Fathers must be role models when it comes to making healthy choices. If they get to a good place with all that they do, they can get to a good place with the children and set expectations for them. Dads have to walk the walk before they talk the talk.

Role model for children than life is not all black and white, there is a lot of grey in it and room for improvement. No man is perfect; no father is perfect. If dads try too hard to be perfect they end up teaching the children that it is not okay to struggle and sometimes fail. They also need to role model that relationships between adults are not always smooth but often can be worked out.

If dads are spiritual, they need to share that. Spirituality is not related to any one religion. It is related to a belief that something unique lives within us that can spark others and live on for generations. It is a belief that there is something bigger than us that can be harnessed for healing. By being spiritual, they are helping to raise the next generation.

Being a good parent does not always mean trying to toughen up the children or being a strict disciplinarian. It does not always mean putting on a tough face inside the house when a tough face is needed outside the house. Fathers can teach children to be a warm and loving to others.

Err on the side of love in raising children. If a father is ever unsure about which path to take with the children, they can choose the side that involves love and generosity. Assume the best and not the worst, about outselves and others.

Find good friends. People with friends live longer, healthier, happier lives. Find good men who are taking care of themselves and keeping their commitments. Being a friend means being understanding, loyal, dependable, and trustworthy these are also good attributes for fathers.

Even as fathers teach children the value of working on long-term goals such as education, career advancement, and relationships, make sure to focus on one day at a time. Few things come to people without working for them, but fathers also need to make each day meaningful when they are with the children.

No matter where a dad is and what his situation is, the children need to hear from him and know that he cares. If a dad feels ashamed of his situation or ashamed of something he has said or done, avoiding the children will not make it better. Being a man and a parent means being able to deal with what comes your way.

Unani Beautician offers tips and answers queries

I have lots of brown hair. How can I make it black?

Hair can turn brown due to dyeing, colouring, nutritional deficiencies and excessive exposure to the sun. Sometimes, protein deficiency can also lead to brown hair. Diet is important because the hair is fed by the nutrients in the blood stream. Eat a small bowl of sprouts daily and include curd, paneer, dals and beans in your diet. Mix one teaspoon of castor oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Heat this and apply it once or twice a week, the night before shampooing your hair. Do the hot towel wrap for better absorption. When you go out in the sun, cover your head with a scarf or duptatta, or carry a parasol.

My body is dark, but my face is fair. Suggest how I can get rid of dark skin in two months, as I am getting married.

Avoid excessive sun exposure, or carry an umbrella while you are out in the sun. Massage your body dily with olive oil or sesame seed oil. Mix besan with curd, lemon juice and a little turmeric and apply it on the exposed areas of your body three times a week. Wash it off a after half an hour. Or, you can mix rice powder with curd and a little haldi and use it as a body scrub two or three times and week. You can also go for body polish treatments at a beauty salon before the wedding.

I have thin eyebrows. How can I make them thick?

Apply a little castor oil on your eyebrows daily, as it is believed to encourage their growth. Meanwhile, you can make your eyebrows appear thicker by using an eyebrow pencil. Make short, light, feathery storkes with thepencil. Avoid harsh lines.

Does waxing guarantee hair removal? Does it have side effect?

Wasing is a good option for removal of body hair. Usually wax made from a sugar and lemon mixture is used by beauty salons. This is a better option since natural ingredients are used to prepare the wax. Waxing is not a permanentj solution. When the hair grows back, you will have to get waxing done again. However, it removes hair by the roots and is said to gradually lessen hair growth. Therefore, the interval between waxing will keep increasing the effect will last for a longer time.

How can scars left by pimples be removed?

For scars left behind by acne, we recommend clinical Veg Peel treatment. If you do not have any pimples, as a home remedy, apply a facial scrub twice a week. Mix rice powder with curd and a pinch of turmeric. Apply on the areas with scars and rub gently on the skin, with circular movements, first clockwise and then anticlockwise. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with water. Once daily, at any time, mix one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice and apply it on the face. Wash it off with plain water after 15 minutes. Twice a week, mix 3 teaspoons of oats with one teaspoon each of honey, curd and lemon juice, or egg white. Apply on the entire face, avoiding the lips and the area around the yes. Wash it off after half an hour.

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